We are proud of Kobe, a constantly evolving city filled with kind-hearted people and blessed with rich nature and beautiful landscapes.
We wish to pass on Kobe's unique culture of shared compassion and understanding of the arts developed through our experience of an unprecedented earthquake to not only the next generation but also the rest of the world.
We will build a Kobe that celebrates diversity of values,fosters interaction between the world's various cultures in our communities and our daily lives and actively moves forward towards a better future.
六甲の山々と豊かな田園風景 茅渟(ちぬ)の海に抱かれて生まれた坂道のまち
明るい陽ざし 色とりどりの夜景に包まれる神戸
悠久の歴史と 近代の名残を留め いつも未来に挑むまち
桜ヶ丘銅鐸 源平の史跡 西国街道 旧居留地 異人館 海上都市 様々な時代の姿が見える神戸
地域に受け継がれてきた文化と 異国から来た文化が 生活の中で出会うまち
道行く人も 街並みも さりげなくおしゃれな神戸
震災で 芸術が心を癒し 生きる希望を与えると学んだまち
まちを再生するなかで 互いに認めあい 思いやる文化を育んできた神戸